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Orbicularis Oculi Palpebral Action Movie

976b052433 30 Jun 2016 . Structures that must be considered in a description of lid anatomy are the skin and subcutaneous tissue; the orbicularis oculi muscle (shown. 2 Feb 2015 . The orbicularis oculi muscle is composed of three parts: the orbital . portion closes the eyelids firmly and is controlled by voluntary action. The main function of the orbicularis oculi muscle is to close the eyelids. This occurs when the muscle contracts. It also assists in the drainage of tears from the eyes. Whenever the orbicularis oculi muscle contracts, the tears are drawn from the tear film via the lacrimal pump system. Blinking is a bodily function; it is a semi-autonomic rapid closing of the eyelid. A single blink is determined by the forceful closing of the eyelid or inactivation of the levator palpebrae superioris and the activation of the palpebral portion of the orbicularis oculi, . The orbicularis oculi is a facial muscle; therefore its actions are translated by. Orbicularis oculi muscle. The orbicularis oculi is a muscle in the face that closes the eyelids. It arises from the nasal part of the frontal bone, from the frontal process of the maxilla in front of the lacrimal groove, and from the anterior surface and borders of a short fibrous band, the medial palpebral ligament.

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